Now that is a real headline, and puts Brexit discussions into the shade, but is it true?
Measuring Manufacturing:
Manufacturing Metrics Review Report, just published by the Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills has re-visited how manufacturing is interpreted in the national statistics and the chair Professor Sir Mike Gregory states in his summary:
"In summary, the
group found that, while manufacturing as currently defined in national and
international statistics is being effectively and reliably reported, there are
substantial opportunities to capture and reflect the influence of manufacturing
activities within the economy more comprehensively.
and that a new Value chain approach "suggests that
jobs associated with manufacturing might number 5.1 million compared with the
2.6 million directly classified to manufacturing using conventional
The graphic below taken from that report, reproduced here courtesy of Open Government Licence v3.0, shows the detail:
The report goes on to state: "it
is worth noting that UK manufacturing has delivered a productivity revolution
showing a 125% increase in labour productivity since 1985"
Feeling a little better now? Part 2 of this blog looks at what the report has to say about Servitization.